Tag: C#

developers[]: Steve Jordi

Twitter: @tiltsoft Website: https://www.tiltsoft.com Swiss Cross-Platform Software Developer specializing in data acquisition, processing and representation. Geophysicist active in volcanology, hence also writing custom software for disaster prevention and monitoring. Circling the globe and meeting nice people and cultures. Blessed to be a father, a coder, and live in the chocolate country. What is your favorite…

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developers[]: Jos Visser

Twitter: @GolezTrol Here’s what Jos had to say about himself: Programming since age 13, professionally since age 20. Delphi, PL/SQL, C#, PHP, JavaScript, and some others for hobby. Moderator on NLDelphi.com/forum, active member on Stack Overflow. Father of a beautiful 1 y/o boy. Love to play guitar, toy around with microprocessors, grow carnivorous plants, see…

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developers[]: Jim Fritchman

Jim is a close friend with whom I an honored to work. Here’s what he wrote as a biography: I am fortunate to have been building software for close to 30 years. In that time I have worked in many different industries including healthcare, golf courses, market research and finally ticketing and admission control for…

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